The festival »Extended Spaces — Resonant Bodies: Alvin Lucier« follows in the footsteps of the American composer Alvin Lucier, who died in December 2021. It is both a tribute and an explicitly contemporary project – an homage to the composer, who remained artistically active into old age and was always open to new contexts. The program consists of three parts: sound installations, concerts and performances and a symposium. It focuses on Lucier’s revolutionary musical and compositional concepts and their significance for contemporary compositional practice. To this end, it links the beginnings of Lucier’s experimental music and instrumental compositions with current artistic positions.
Exemplary performances of Lucier’s works will always be combined with current compositions, performances and installations. The program includes a total of ten concerts and performances as well as eight sound installations. In addition, a two-day symposium will focus on the special role of Alvin Lucier for the music world, sound art and experimental music up to the present day.
For the concerts, we are working together with the renowned Ensemble KNM Berlin and the Ever Present Orchestra, an ensemble with which Lucier worked very closely during his last creative period. For the realization of the sound installations we are working together with Hauke Harder.
The festival will take place modularly and simultaneously at six different venues in Berlin: Parochialkirche (Berlin-Mitte), Kunstquartier Bethanien, Emmauskirche (Berlin-Kreuzberg), Radialsystem (Berlin-Friedrichshain), CLB Galerie und the daadgalerie (Berlin-Kreuzberg). National and international artists from a wide range of disciplines and genres are participating in the project, including artists who have years of practical experience with Lucier’s works as well as artists who are engaging with Lucier for the first time: a.o. Hanna Hartman (SE), Yutaka Makino (JP), Juliana Hodkinson (GB/DK), Michael Moser (AT), Ana Maria Rodriguez (AR), Ron Kuivila (US), David Behrman (US), Hugo Esquinca (MX), Robyn Schulkowsky (US), Alberto de Campo+Liz Albee+Hannes Hoelzl+Anne Wellmer, Hauke Harder (DE), John Fulleman (SE), Charles Curtis, Trevor Saint (US).
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