Contemporary Art - Science - Urbanism - Digital Culture

Is global Berlin a blessing or a curse for its inhabitants?

Berlin is a refuge for threatened people from all over the world, including civil war refugees, political dissidents and academics from authoritarian states, as well as civic and non-profit organizations. Although Berlin offers a safe haven to many, the city seems increasingly inhospitable to some of its long-established citizens. The rising rents are not only becoming less affordable for the socially vulnerable or elderly, but also for families with children, artists or social initiatives and grassroots movements. They are increasingly pushed to the outskirts of the city or even excluded. This in turn has a negative impact on their social participation. Together with citizens and invited guests, we want to discuss this development and how the “global” Berlin can constructively contribute to people actively participating in the shaping of their city.

Elke Schilling, board of directors of Silbernetz e.V.
Magnus Hengge, urban activist with Bizim Kiez, CLT-Initiative, LokalBau, Stadtprojekte e.V.
Andreas Hieronymus, Program Officer with responsibility for the inclusion portfolio of the Open Society Initiative for Europe (OSIFE).
Selmin Çalışkan, Open Society Foundations Berlin Hub Office.

An event organized by Open Society Foundations Berlin in collaboration with CLB Berlin as part of Berlin Foundations Week 2019.

Photo credit: © Sophie Chivet/Agence VU/Redux

Urban Design Cultural Entrepreneurship


8.00 pm